Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Selby Bay Yacht Club, July 29th, 2009

We left Smith Island on the western side (we entered on the eastern side) and started our 80 mile trec up north to the South River, just below Annapolis. An associate yacht club called "Selby Bay Yacht Club". This is a beautifully maintained place with a nice pool (closed because of no lifeguard on duty!).

Dawn took these pictures along the way.
Here is the old and abandoned LNG plant just above Solomons Island and below Calvert Cliffs.
Another one of the LNG plant.
A view of Selby Bay YC from the piers.
At the club entrance.
The pool.
A nice picnic area with tables on the piers.
Out 310 boat next to a newer 320..........
I still like our layout better.........................
We are now getting ready to go to a German restaurant called "Old Stein Inn" for dinner, so........
Sea you later.

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