Thursday, July 30, 2009

Quiz - Are we comming home today?

Well I thought you might like to have some fun.

Several of you are expecting us to return to our home port today, CYC.
Many of you know us pretty good, others are just learning about us.

Test your knowledge about us.

Sea if you can guess if we are returning home today - OR - continuing on somewhere?

At the bottom of these post, is a place to list your reactions to the post above.
You can vote, 1) Funny, 2) Interesting, and 3) Cool.

So, if you think we are comming home today, vote for
1) Funny, and that will mean "Yes", we are comming home.

If you don't know us enough and are undecided, vote for
2) Interesting, meaning "don't know or care"

And if you believe we are heading out for another sunset, vote for
3) Cool, meaning "NO" we're not comming home.

Have fun!

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