Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Port Annapolis Marina + Pool, July 18 / 19, 2009

Well, when we first got here at Port Annapolis Marina, it wasn't too long before we left and went into the town of Annapolis to do a Pub Crawl. That means doing a lot of bars and what not. I did manage to leave the group and take Nicole and Kevin to Ben and Jerry's to get my usual "ice cream" for the day. Mmmm, mmm, good. We also had various bits to eat along the way which kinda took care of dinner. But I forgot my camera for this part of the trip and therefore didn't get any pictures of the "good times" we had. There are plenty of stories to tell though.

Here are just a few pictures of the marina and pool area where we stayed.

Pool side.
Very nice pool.

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