Sunday, July 26, 2009

Corinthian Yacht Club, July 26th, 2009

Well today started out liesurely, we woke up late after a Sat. Night at Vera's. The band "Crushing Day" was playing Sat. night and they were good so we stayed late.
Then we did some laundry and my wife made me take a shower............
And by the time we were ready to leave, it was 1 PM in the afternoon, damn time flies.
Anyway, we took a little tour of the rest of St. Leonards Creek and then came back out of the Patuxant River, down the bay, and down to the Potomac River and up just a little to an associate yacht club called Corinthian Yacht Club.

Now, this turned out to be an exhausting and eventfull day. As the winds had kicked up out of the south and we started out with 2' - 3' ers out in the bay. This increased to 3' - 4' ers and Oooo Myyyy GOD........
We got beat to shit in our little 31 foot craft to say the least.
Upppppppppppp and Downnnnnnnnnnn,
Up and Down.
For 2 hours out of a 3 hour trip.......

And then, as if that wasn't enough, as we made the turn to starboard around Point Lookout, there was a damn thunderstorm ahead of us. And the winds were now out of the west. In other words, we were heading right into it again. So, we slowed down to put up the issinglass and also get the anchor un-hooked (un-locked) in case we needed it. And it turned out we did.
We only had to go up the Potomac River a little bit and into the first creek on the right, Smith Creek, and then Jutland Creek.

As we did, all hell broke loose and the skies dumped on us.
I made it into the sheltered area of Jutland Creek but had no phone signal and nobody answered the radio at Corinthian Yacht Club. So even though we were right in front of the place, it was too darn risky to try and tie up to a pier during the storm so I decided to just drop the anchor and wait it out. Good decision. Didn't take too long for this part of the storm to pass.

After it did, we just pulled anchor and went to the restaurant next door at the Point Lookout Marina, called Spinnakers. I had a soft crab sandwich with FF's of course. Dawn had the grilled chicken.

It did continue to rain very hard most of the night.
So, here we are, all safe and sound, one more time.

This.......... is the "Corinthian Yacht Club".
It is a very big place, nice piers and pool.

I broke up the above picture into 3 pictures to try and zoom in a little.
From left to right.
This is the left side. Covered slips, club house and the pool on the right.
Center, they have several cottages that they rent out to members.

We were in a slip right behind the bridge boat on the right.
And the right side, another set of covered slips. We only had 1 day, which is a short stay here, but I wish it was longer.

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