Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wachapreague Inlet, Aug. 14th.

I'm going to go back a little, to Aug. 14th. on our way into Wachapreague Inlet and Marina. As I came clean and admitted that "I" messed up and went aground, I received other emails stating similar blunders and one that seams to be in the same exact spot.
This is in no way any kind of justification for my mistake, just further explanation of the situation. Above is a photo of a postcard that we found of an aerial view of the inlet. (Click on the photo to enlarge.)
At the top, just to the right of center is the actual inlet. The white sandy area to the left of it is actually a sand bar. We saw this as we were approaching the inlet on the left, from the north, by way of crashing waves. (I said, now how can waves be crashing out here?) After stopping to check it out, we then had to go all the way back out maybe a 1/2 mile and find the markers that started way out there. OK, I thought I could cut this corner, but I couldn't.
Then as you get past and into the inlet, it sorta turns to the right into that wider area. I won't describe every turn but we eventually made it over to the area where I put the arrow on the postcard. This is the place where the inlet markers changed numbering from Red 12 to Red 122 and it becomes the intercoastal waterway. The actual intersection is not shown (wonder why?).
As you can sea, (I spell sea like this all the time!), it is a marshy area and wouldn't you believe the flies where big enough to pick you up and carry you away. That is why I got back up on plane. The quick air moving keeps the flies off of you untill you slow down again. And the arrow marks that spot for me. When we stopped, we had to open the boat hatches up and put the screens in. All was good, we took this time to eat some lunch, a nice salad that Dawn conjured up. Hmm, hmmm good.
The rest period didn't last long before I kept working on the anchor and boat to set us free. Freedom, what a wonderful thing. From the arrow, we went from left to the right and back left again down around to the marina. Wachapreague Marina is actually the first one on the right. A nice place that caters to fishermen.
And that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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