Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Parrot's Nest - CYC Mystery Cruise, 8-14-09

Well we finally had the pleasure of having Bob and Carol come along on a club cruise. So we got these pictures of their boat for them.
This one is as we were approaching them.
A crop of the above picture to get a closer look.
These are crops as well.
The boat looks like it is traveling pretty good in the water.
Bob ended up following me up to Harve de Grace on this trip.
And Carol, We are sooooo proud of her. She actually looks pretty comfortable sitting in her "Mate" seat. (click on the picture to enlarge it!)
She's doin pretty good with the boat stuff too!
Won't be long, she'll be tellin Bob to sit down (she already does this!) so she can drive the boat!!!!
Good job Carol....

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