Saturday, August 8, 2009

CYC Pier Party 8-7-09

We had a Pier Party at CYC on Fri. night, 8-7-09. It was hosted by our illustrious Fleet Captain Andy and his lovely wife Jean.
Here's Andy, known by his Ravens seat!
And pictures of Andy's fellow boater flock!
Romper, Bomper, Stomper, Do..........
And I sea Carol, Bobbie, Dawnie and Stanley..........
Andy's wife Jean is looking at ya!

We all had a good time drinking and then we went up to "The Lot" for some more CYC good FOOD!
Macho guys!
Hey Babe, want some of dis?
And the Beautiful evening Sunset..........

I'm a sucker for these..........
Just Beautiful!
You've got to catch em when they are there!

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