Friday, March 20, 2009

Wax ON, Wax OFF

Well it is that time of year again. Time to clean up the boat and get her ready for spring commissoning.
So.... do you wanna help? I'm serious. I can use ya.
Just give me a call.
Sorry that there haven't been any boating adventure stories lately. But they'll be coming along soon.
I've already been working on the boat though. I've done lots of stuff.
I just need to make it all happen and make it come together.
I've got a splash date of Sunday, April 5th, 2009 at 9 AM.
If you help, I'll take you for a ride.


Danielle said...

Bring your boat to Florida! I will do ALL the work for ya! It only takes a few days to get here and I can save you lots of $$. Plus Ill get to see my dad.

SeaHarley said...

I would love to have you help out.
You know I'm getting tooooo old for this Wax On / Wax Off stuff!!