Thursday, December 18, 2008

Brianna's a STAR! "The Butterfingers Angel"

I just have to deviate from my normal boating blog stuff and make a special tribute to my niece Brianna. She has been pursuing acting and has done quite a bit of acting in her short amount of years. She's been in a number of plays and has landed some leading roles.
Last night, we had the pleasure of seeing her perform in a play called "The Butterfingers Angel" etc., etc. This is a cute play that is put on by the "REP STAGE" at the Howard Community College in Columbia Maryland. This play is rather funny and actually made for a nice night out. Besides seeing my niece, we had an enjoyable time.
I wasn't allowed to take pictures during the performance, BUMMER! So I had (and you'll have) to settle for the ones below that I took before and after the show.
The name of the play is actually longer than I stated above. All of the actual credits are listed below.
Remember to click on the actual pictures below and they will enlarge for you to see them better.

I managed to get this one before the play. Here she is on the right. She's with "Mary" in the middle, and the "Butterfingers Angel" on the left.

After the show at the credits bulletin board. Her show picture is in the middle, upper left side.

All of the cast.

Brianna had several parts but is listed here as part of the Children's Ensemble.
We are so very proud of her. There's no doubt she'll be making it really big time in the future. She's got it!

Info about the REP STAGE:

And just some of the reviews:,1152445.html

You might wanna check this one out yourself!

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